Sunday, June 26, 2005

seeing the unseen...

The external may assail us and a storm buffets us from the outside but there can be peace within if we fix our sights and place our hope on that which is eternal. And if Christ so chooses, He may just walk towards us on the water to assure us that all is well, saying, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

2 Corinthians 4:16-17
v16: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
v17: For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
v18: So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

peace that surpasses human comprehension..

Thanks for all your prayers and continued support!

Though the waiting has been long, God's grace has been sufficient still. I've had the time to reflect on these last eight years since I started my teaching career and to think about my future plans. Some of this process has been heartbreaking but I do recall the joys as well. Much of the joys came from the friendships forged and experiences shared with each of you. Though my "fire" for teaching has been somewhat quenched by what has happened, I don't regret the decision to teach. In fact, it's because of my teaching job that I've come to know many of you and have made some good friends for life. I also believe that our choices and experiences in life determine much of who we become. Without them, we could be much poorer for it.

May God grant us all His peace that passes all understanding...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

life is fragile, handle with care...

Last night I attended the wake service of one of my former students. This is the 3rd student that I know personally that has passed away in my 8 years of teaching. The 1st one died in a freak accident and the latter two both died from sudden onset of disease.

Such deaths and that of my good friend some years back always give me a "nudge" and remind me of the fraility of life. Every day we live as if there will always be a tomorrow and we will get to fulfill all our desired plans. We think... If we love God and do our best in everything, then all would be well and good. True? Often, things happen and cause our world to go topsy-turvy but nothing jolts (in fact, halts) our plans as much as death itself.

As I listened to the sharing at the wake last night, I noted the impact the dying and death of a loved one had on the priorities and directions of the dying and those who walked with him. The strengthening of character. A friend going into missions work. A father attending church.

Must we wait for death to come close before we re-examine and re-aligned our lives? Can't we do this on a regular basis and ensure that we are living according to God's will? I speak for myself as I say that we often come to a comfortable state of living that we forget the need to constantly evaluate our priorities and commitments. Let's not wait for something to happen to "jolt" us to re-think our lives. Let's do it today because we do not know of tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

back online...

Sorry for not updating this blog for the past week. I've only just managed to get online again today.

Last Thursday, I was giving my statement to the authorities from about 11am and reached home at about 10.30pm. The next day, I was back to complete the remainder of my statement from 3pm to about 6.30pm. Thanks for praying for me! I'm thankful for the opportunity to finally respond to the allegations made against me. Please continue to pray as the investigation proceeds.

Later this evening, I'll be going for a wake for one of my former students (1999) who passed away from brain cancer last Saturday. It must be so painful to lose someone close and someone yet so young. Do pray for his family and loved ones. Thanks.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


A while ago I got a call from the authorities asking me to report to them this Thursday at 11am to provide my statement. I'm thankful that I'll finally have a "voice" in all of this and be heard. Please pray that I'll not be nervous but that I'll have peace of mind, clarity of thought and the courage to speak the truth.

Thank you all for being my prayer warriors!

Monday, June 06, 2005

old friends...

This morning I had a few "old friends" who visited my parents and myself at home. They are actually the parents of former waterpolo team members who had always been very supportive of what we do for the boys through the CCA. They came specially to encourage me and to strengthen my parents by sharing with them the pain and burdens as felt by fellow parents. I'm ever thankful for our shared experiences and memories because of their son's involvement in the team years back. Their sons have all grown and matured, and I'm gratified to know how well they are all developing. This is the fulfillment that satisfies me in this vocation. Lives touched and changed. We have impacted each other's lives and we have hence been enriched and transformed.

One waterpolo member was the 1st Sec 3 to genuinely come forward to express his concern for me today. I've refrained from contacting the Sec 3s since all this began. It is comforting to know that there is at least one who believes in me and have the courage to approach me to show his support. You've made my day...

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Today I celebrated the first holy communion in church since all this began. Sad perhaps, but it is during such trying times that God's imminence and Christ's redemptive sacrifice are more deeply valued. As I partook of the holy sacraments today, it was like receiving God's soothing balm onto my wounded soul.

Knowing that God "invites all who love Him and need Him to come to His table", I felt comforted by His acceptance and grace. "All we like sheep have gone astray, each of us turning our own separate ways. We all have sinned and fallen short of Your glory, but Your glory is what we desire to see, and in Your presence is where we long to be."

How marvelous and incomprehensible it is that sinners can actually enter to commune with the holy and righteous One! Furthermore, as we enter through Christ's redemptive act, we become saints, sanctified in Christ Jesus.

Friday, June 03, 2005

an update...

There is some development finally. The waterpolo coaches have been called for an interview by the authorities this afternoon. Please pray for them as they give their statements. Pray for wisdom, clarity of mind, peace and courage to speak the truth. I believe that as they offer the facts clearly and accurately, these fascts themselves would speak in my favor.

With this development, I believe that I should be asked for my statement very soon. Do pray as I prepare myself to do this. As I told a colleague yesterday, I believe that God will deliver me, not because I'm faithful or perfect in myself, but because Christ has redeemed me and I belong to God.

Thank you all for supporting me with your prayers and expressions of concern over the last month. I thank God that I don't have to walk this path alone.