Sunday, May 22, 2005

the time will come...

I know that I've been putting aside some of the questions that many of you want or tried to ask me. You want to know how all this will change me and my life perspectives, and also my plans after I clear my name. Well, it's quite difficult for me to say at this point in time. When I have everything behind me and I can reflect in retrospect, then I think I'll be in a stronger position to make some crucial decisions.

However, to my students and colleagues who have been saying that you're waiting for me to return once everything clears, I have this much to say. I could be quite a different person after all this, as I would have had some lessons learned through these experiences. Perhaps I need to seek the Lord afresh for His calling for me. If I were to return, how would the few of my accusers feel especially if they still hold on to their perception of me? Don't get me wrong here. I think I can handle what they might think of me but I don't think it'll be good for them to have me around in school if they still feel the same way about me. The "bad vibes" between us may adversely impact the team and the classes I teach. What I'm saying here is that it's not a sure thing that I'll be back to teach once my name is cleared. The decisions may also not be mine as others do have a say on whether I return to my teaching position.

Please pray as I continually seek the Lord's purposes in all this and His will for my life.


At 11:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

May you continue to grow in God's likeness with His healing grace. James 1:23-25.


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