Saturday, May 21, 2005


As I seek after God in the midst of this trial, I find myself asking Him, "What is Your purpose for all this?". Humanly, I find it hard to conceive that there will be more good than bad that is coming out of all this. People are getting hurt and adversely affected by all this. Ultimate good for all seems impossible. But this where I guess human reasoning ends and Faith begins. You're the God of the impossible and unimaginable. Your will and your ways are higher and often beyond our full comprehension. I will have to walk this journey with eyes of faith, rather than by what I can perceive or comprehend. Even if I fall because of my weak faith, I know that you'll not let me fall so deep that I can't rise up and continue forward. I will put my hand in Yours and let You guide me through this dark valley. Your truth, like a lamp to my feet will assure me as it lights the way. Thank You Lord for being who You are! I will trust You and trust in Your purposes.


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