the greatest act of forgiveness...
To honor our parents - sure can do
To care for our friends - no problem
To love our neigbours - okay lah
To not hate our enemies - should do and can do lor
To love our enemies - hard to do, but need to do
It is indeed much easier to care and to bless those we love, and those who love us. It is a greater challenge to 'not hate' our enemies but rather "forget" about them. But the call to Christian discpleship is to LOVE our enemies and to bless them.
How can that be? We ask, "do they DESERVE it"?
We who were yet sinners when we received the love of God through grace should never ask this question rhetorically. The same grace which redeemed us is the same one that is extended to even those we call our enemies. Having received this grace, how can we so easily deny it from those who need it as much as we do.
Salvation comes so 'cheaply' to us - it really comes "free" to us. But it cost God SO much. Christ's sacrifice and death was offered up for ALL who would would believe and accept His grace.
As we learn to appreciate that grace which was extended to us, we need to not only 'not hate' our enemies but to take active steps to love and bless them. Perhaps when we can do this, then we can truly experience the freedom and joy we have in Christ.
As God has shown us through Christ, the greatest act of love is forgiveness. May the Lord help us in our weaknesses.
"Every promise is built upon 4 pillars:
1st& 2nd pillars - God's justice and holiness, which will not suffer Him to deceive;
3rd pillar -His grace or goodness, which will not suffer Him to forget;
&4th pillar - His truth, which will not not suffer Him to change,which makes Him able to accomplish."
Ask and trust God William, to help you truly forgive those who have hurt you so much.
Beginning Anew..
He came to my desk with quivering lips;
the lesson was done..
"Have you a new leaf for me, dear Teacher?
I have spoiled this one!"
I took his leaf, all soiled and blotted.
And gave him a new one, all unspotted;
Then into his tired heart I smiled:
"Do better now, my child!"
I went to the throne with trembling heart;
The day was done.
"Have you a new day for me, dear Master?
I have spoiled this one!"
He took my day, all soiled and blotted,
And gave me a new one, all unspotted;
Then into my tired heart He smiled:
"Do better now, my child!"
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